Results Enquiry and Appeal

Information for Cambridge Assessment English candidates who are unhappy with their exam results

If you are unhappy with the result of your exam and you wish to query your results, please discuss this with us. If you are still unhappy, we can submit a Results Enquiry on your behalf.

There are two stages to this process.

  • Stage 1 – A full clerical recheck. Cambridge Assessment English will check that all of the marks on your exam papers have been correctly counted, to make sure there have been no mistakes when calculating your final grade. At this stage, your exam papers will not be re-marked.
  • Stage 2 – A full re-mark of all papers*. If you are still not satisfied after completing Stage 1, Cambridge Assessment English will arrange for an examiner to re-mark your entire exam for you**.

We must submit your Results Enquiry on your behalf and we will guide you through the process. There is a charge for each stage, which will be refunded if any change is made to your result. Please speak to our centre staff for information about the costs and time-scales for a Results Enquiry. We do not accept Results Enquiry requests over the phone, these must be done in person at our centre, after you have paid for the corresponding Stage.

Further information regarding Results Enquiries and Appeals can be found here.

Please note that your grade could go down as well as up following a Results Enquiry.  

There are deadlines for requesting Results Enquiries, so you will need to contact us as soon as possible after receiving your results.

*It is not possible for Speaking Tests to be re-marked.

**This excludes A2 Key (KET)A2 Key for Schools (KET for Schools) and the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)

This article relates to the following Cambridge English exams: