Exam Preparation
Our centre is the best exam preparation centre in Republic of Moldova and the first centre to offer Cambridge preparation courses in our country. We offer individual, semi-individual and group courses for the full range of Cambridge examinations (Young Learners, A2 Key, B1 Preliminary, B2 First, C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency), as well as courses for IELTS preparation.
Before you register for a course, you will have to take a placement test in order to make sure you have the necessary level for the exam you will have chosen to register for. Then, we will find you a course with a suitable timetable and voila! – you’re halfway there
It is an undeniable fact that following a preparation course for a Cambridge exam will highly increase your chance of success. Your teacher will detail the different parts of the exam with you, work on time management and give you extra tips for grammar or vocabulary!
Being well prepared for an exam boosts your chances of passing the exam thanks to which you can be exempted from the English paper for the Baccalaureate (BAC) exam.
Here is a list of the prices for our exam preparation courses: